Christmas Eve Service:
Please join us for Christmas Eve Service at FCBC on Tuesday, December 24th at 6:00 pm.
Sunday Worship Service Time Change:
Sunday Worship Service Time Change will be one service at 9:30 am on Sunday, December 29th. There will be NO Sunday School.
Office Closure:
In observance of the Christmas Break, the FCBC Church Office will be closed from Wednesday, December 25th to Wednesday, January 1st.
New Service Time:
Starting on January 5th FCBC will be having ONE Sunday Worship Service at 9:30 am and Sunday School for all ages at 11:15 am. Live stream will be available for the 9:30 am Service only.
New Adult Sunday School Class:
Beginning Sunday, January 5th, there will be a new Adult Sunday School class in the sanctuary. “The Genesis Academy,” which covers Genesis 1-11, is a 12-week video/discussion series led by Deacon Dan Richards. For the Genesis Academy website, please click here.
NERF Party:
FCBC Student Ministry (6th-12th Grades) is excited to host a free NERF Party on Saturday, January 11th, from 11 AM to 4 PM. This event will see students and leaders transform the church into a playfield for NERF games. Additionally, there will be food and a devotional led by Pastor Tom. Please remember to complete a medical release; click here to access the form.
New Women's Bible Study:
The Thursday Morning Women's Bible Study & Prayer will begin the study of Colossians and Philemon on January 16th. They are using the John MacArthur book. The cost for the book is $6.75. Please do not let the cost prevent you from joining in on the study. Any questions, please contact Betty Lager or the church office.
Office Closure:
In observance of the Federal Holiday, FCBC office will be Closed on Tuesday, January 21st.
Evening of Prayer:
Please come and pray with the church body at 6:00 pm.